The most common wedding day regrets – and how to avoid them

Wedding regrets – how to avoid them.

When it comes to your wedding day, you don’t want to have any regrets but the reality is often very different.

Research revealed that 43% of newlyweds admitted some aspects of their wedding day “fell flat”. Whilst the positives outweigh the negatives, with most couples still enjoying the best day of their lives, being aware of the most common wedding day regrets and how to avoid them could save you some real heartache…

I should have asked for support

You shouldn’t have to negotiate the ups and downs of wedding planning alone. As well as leaning on your partner for help, friends and family are there to ease the burden that often accompanies many wedding planning tasks.

There are plenty of to-dos that you can delegate to willing wedding helpers, and it’ll make your life A LOT easier. This is particularly true if, like many couples, you’re choosing to DIY to make your wedding day as unique as possible as Love My Dress details:

“Why not get a team of helpers on board, get a couple of bottles of bubbles and make a craft party out of it or delegate the job entirely, either way, you’ll be saving yourself valuable time. If you’re delegating this job entirely then make sure you show everyone what you want, write a clear how-to and take photos of each step, then you can step back and allow everyone to get creative!”

I wish I had more help on the day

It’s not just during the run-up to your wedding day when an extra pair of hands will make a big and hugely positive difference.

On the day itself, your wedding VIPs can lighten the load. Having a professional with experience to support you on your wedding day, however, will unlock yet more benefits for busy brides and grooms. Thankfully, couples marrying at Bourton Hall won’t have to bust the wedding budget hiring an expensive event planner.

When tying the knot here, you’ll have your very own Personal Wedding Manager to assist you every step of the way, including on your wedding day.

I should have appreciated my guests

The people that surround you make your wedding day. Whilst the details are important, there are bigger things at play on your wedding day. Take the time to appreciate that all the people you adore are there to celebrate your love and enjoy the occasion. Don’t forget to share your gratitude post-wedding with a handwritten thank-you note too.

I wish I could have relaxed

Relaxing into the wedding planning experience and the big day itself is what many couples wished they’d been able to do. This is however easier said than done, with most preoccupied with the endless number of tasks that draw focus away from the main reason you’re getting married in the first place – your love for each other.

Take regular breaks from wedding planning to reconnect with your partner, and do the same on your wedding day. Head away from the crowds and steal a moment together. It’ll give you time for your newly married status to sink in and allow you to truly enjoy every moment of your special day.

I should have prioritised venue booking

Getting the venue and the wedding date you want isn’t always easy, especially if you plan to marry during peak wedding season or have a very specific date in mind. By prioritising venue booking, even if you want to enjoy a long engagement, you can secure the place and date you desire, worry a little less, and relax into the wedding planning process even more.

Want to get that first wedding planning to-do ticked off your list? Book your viewing at Bourton Hall today by contacting our team.

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